There's good news from yesterday's
Animal Lovers: Were We Wrong to Beat This Guy's Ass? diary. See below for the news:
First off, thanks so much for the tremendous outpouring of support from both Kossacks and readers of Steve Gilliard's blog; Steve reprinted the diary
here, and the News Bloggers chimed in with support and righteous anger. Boo-yah!
Now, for the good news. The sheriff's department notified the ASPCA of the animal abuse citation immediately after the deputy dragged the beaten and cussing puppy-beating bastard out of my yard. Within a few hours, the ASPCA took the St. Bernard puppy (not much bigger than the beautiful little baby pictured on Steve's blog entry) away from Captain CockKnocker and to the Humane Society. It didn't take long for them to find the little guy a new mommy and daddy.
CockKnocker turns out to have an entire litany of complaints lodged against him for abuse of both animals and people -- the deputy didn't go into detail, but we figure he likes beating on his wife as much as he does helpless puppies. He's now having to dig into his bank account to pay a hefty fine and, according to the deputy, has had "the fear of God" put into him about any more citations and particularly about retaliation against Mrs. Max or anyone, human or animal, in the Max household.
And, we all sincerely hope, they all lived happily ever after.
I love a story with a happy ending. Don't you?