I heard this audio clip over and over tonight on the Randi Rhodes show driving home. King Bush talking on April 14, 2005 at the
American Society of Newspaper Editors Convention (WhiteHouse cookies!):
BUSH: ... You know, I don't email, however. And there's a reason. I don't want you reading my personal stuff. There has got to be a certain sense of privacy. You know, you're entitled to how I make decisions. And you're entitled to ask questions, which I answer. I don't think you're entitled to be able to read my mail between my daughters and me.
Senators should come in with this audio clip and play it at the NSA hearings and ask "Mr. President, don't you think the American people deserve the same privacy too?"Not to mention that whole 4th Amendment and FISA law/court thing. And Bush mentioning privacy? Dear God.
Bush's words come from his rambling response to the question:
Q: In processing [Freedom of Information] requests, should government officials presume that information should be given to citizens? Or should the burden fall on citizens to convince government to give them access to information?
This story has popped up on the radar before. Thanks to the glories of Tags I found a diary by Terre called 'Bush: "I don't want you reading my personal stuff" - post on 1/24/06
If you haven't seen it yet, check out ProgressNow's "No Spy" Video.
We need to blow this NSA Spying thing up. Bush broke the law. His taste for hypocrisy and irony has no end.
To King George!
x-posted @ SoapBlox Colorado