A little trivial. But worth a chuckle. At my expense.
Wolcott rips me:
Over at DailyKos, Armando is cautioning liberal lefties to holster the fickle fingers of blame.
"[T]his is not a time for politics -- not only for moral and ethical reasons, but for political ones as well. That is, politics itself mandates that these days not be political."
Stop right there. First of all, "politics" mandates nothing. It's an abstract noun. It's like beginning a sentence "Morality dictates that..." Morality dictates nothing. It's how people interpret morality, and how they apply it in certain situations which evolve over time. Politics are people, and what they make of their political situation, and when the realities of their lives demand that the political and economic circumstances of their lives change. It isn't something to put on a shelf and used only when the climate of opinion permits.
Armando again: "Yes Bush and his administration have much to answer for. But what of the government of the State of Louisiana? The government of the City of New Orleans? I for one believe all have to answer for this. But not now. Maybe next week. But not today."
I don't mean to pick on Armando, but has he learned nothing under Bush? There is no "next week" when it comes to getting answers and fixing accountability for failure under this president. Next week never comes.
Like I have said before, you never want Wolcott on your ass. And whether he is right or not, I have had to shift gears already. Today's performance by President Bush and his band of incompetents has changed the political dynamics. I recognized that this morning. My "flip flop" in extended.
I am ignoring my own advice and saying . . . how can anyone have confidence in him? I know we believe him to be the worst President in history, but can anyone else have any doubt?
"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did appreciate a serious storm but these levees got breached and as a result much of New Orleans is flooded and now we're having to deal with it and will," he said.
So he admitted his incompetence. Simple as that. It screamed Incompetence.
The moral of the story? You don't want Wolcott ripping you, as I now can say from first hand experience.