We are not the fans. It is not ok for us to make disparaging remarks about our teammates when these comments serve no purpose. Its fine for fans to sit at home and yell "so-and-so is a bum" at the TV when somebody screws up. It is not OK for a player in a post game interview to say "my teammate is a bum". We are all on the same team--you, me, our candidates, our party leaders. All of us. I am not saying we should stiffle criticism. We need to focus our criticism on things that can help us win the next game. Saying so-and-so is a such-and-such after they lose an election only brings down team moral. Saying what they did wrong and how it can be fixed is useful. The team mentality is something Republicans are much better at. Liberals are much more likely to make fun of their own, even during the game. While honesty and self-deprecation are admirable, we are getting outplayed. We can't afford to lose any longer. We need to focus on winning. Together. As a team.