The beauty of the blogosphere is that one can be truly independent. Since most of us are doing this for no compensation and in our spare time we are not compelled to march to the beat of anybody else's drummer or to show acquiescence to any particular view or political party. Hey, when I can praise David Brooks of The New York Times one day as I did by including his quotes in my recent post `The Class War At Home' and today denounce him as the asshole lackey that he really is 99 % of the time,that is truly freedom. That is the beauty of blogging. I have the ability to be as independent as I choose to be and to have loyalty to nothing other than the truth. In Brooks' latest column which bears the snarky title of "Obey The Kos" he savagely attacks Markos Moulitsas Zúniga of the wildly popular liberal website `Daily Kos' with extreme prejudice, jacked-up vitriol and dripping elitist condescension, with this sort of `endorsement' it is very obvious that the blogosphere has officially arrived.
Blogging is a form of empowerment to those not content to simply go along with the program and be good little Germans goose-stepping in formation like lemmings off of the end of the cliff to the commands of an insane and inflexible leader figure and his corrupt one party corporatist dictatorship. Their view has been marginalized and their voices eliminated from the mainstream discourse, there are after all at least 56 million Americans who actually voted against George W. Bush. That was before his ratings were in the toilet, before Hurricane Katrina exposed his administration as a circus laden with incompetent crony clowns and before a bloody civil war broke out in Iraq. The voices of the previously 'silent majority' have been shut out by a mainstream media that is content to leap from the latest celebrity worshipping storyline to the new fear mongering White House talking points like frogs skipping from one lump of pond scum to the next. The MSM has utterly failed in doing anything other than creating a nation of dumbed-down, docile sheeplike drones more interested in getting their next hit of `living vicariously through celebrity' than in becoming active participants in a functional democracy that at one time was the envy of the civilized world. Instead of being reporters of the news and holding power accountable you can rest assured that the public relations pimps of the MSM will always perform their post 9/11 new world order duty to act as guardians for the policies of the robber barons, war mongers and global bandits who have become too commonplace in the early years of this New American Century.
The blogs are the modern version of pamphleteering more than anything else and barring a complete police state lockdown (which the Bush administration is doing everything in their power to create the infrastructure for) it is impossible to completely stop the free flow of information. As Abe Lincoln once famously said:
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
The bloggers serve as testament to his words of wisdom.
With Brooks' anti-KOS column representing the opening salvo, the Rovians and the Bush crime syndicate have identified an imminent threat and will now do what they always do best by utilizing their media surrogates to attack, slander and destroy. They will also mobilize their huge activist army to wage war on those who dare to question their dismantling of the constitution, packing of the courts, destruction of the social safety net and the selling of America to the highest bidders for the benefit of their crony capitalist clique. In the society of George W. Bush everyone is expected to know their proper place.
In the coming months corporate funded, extreme right-wing think tanks will be no doubt be busy churning out position papers on the dangers of allowing such sedition to be tolerated during a time of an eternal war for our very survival. I am as certain that I am that the sun will come up tomorrow morning that it is only a matter of time until Ann Coulter and her ilk in the right-wing perpetual anger machine begin to denounce bloggers as `domestic terrorists'. Now that Brooks and the establishment have been unleashed it is a certainty that they will be out in force very soon.
Been spoiling for a fight? Here it comes.
But with the inevitable trashing of Kos and the `anti-American leftist' voices in the blogosphere it won't be the Texas mafia alone. The DLC and their symbiotic relationship with corporate power will also be active participants in the wet work just as they were instrumental in taking down Howard Dean's renegade run at the Democratic party nomination back in 2004 when their interests were being threatened from within. You see, the last thing that the DLC wants is any sort of true reform, they are just better at pretending to not be.
The DLC are only a different brand of the dismantlers and sellers of the 'American Dream' and their brand of fascism is wrapped in velvet instead of served raw, only their velvet is far similar in quality to one of those tacky portraits of Elvis or Jesus that the more gauche among us can buy at a flea market or roadside stand than anything of elegance.
The internet and the blogs represent an extreme threat to the establishment and those bastards never anticipated it. Go forth bloggers, to forth and expose the truth, you will find it easy to recognize: It is anything that the mainstream media refuses to cover. Greg Palast says that the job of journalists is to quite simply "expose these motherfuckers" and there are plenty of cockroaches that still breed in their dank and dark dens. It is the bloggers who will be the ones who have the courage to turn on a light and watch them scatter.
To the bloggers, the "squadrons of angry lambs" that Brooks so vehemently denounces you deserve credit, the establishment is now shitting in their silk panties. Keep it up and crank up the intensity all of you "keyboard kingpins", we are turning the tide now and the exposure of these corrupt bastards and their reprobate government is coming and coming soon.
In closing I would most certainly like to disagree with Brook's label of "squadrons of angry lambs", bloggers are much more like "squadrons of angry hornets" and the very decentralized nature of the swarm attacks is what makes them most dangerous to those who have whacked the nest one time too often.
Alas Mr. Brooks the reality is that the `Elitist Attack Dog Kingpins' of the mainstream press establishment are slowly dying out while wailing and bleating like mastodons trapped in a tar pit. If you are ever able to pry yourself away from your cocktail party, country club mentality you will see that which is all too obvious, that the wounds have been self-inflicted.