What a week it's been, huh? I've come to the realization that I am no longer a "Deaniac" although I remain a strong supporter of Dr. Dean. I'm deprogramming from the kool-aid as I type. What happened?
Well, for one thing, the kool-aid clouded my judgment. I started thinking Dean was invincible. It's a kick in the gut and it hurts to have to pick yourself off the floor after something like that. My normal mode is guarded and cynical, so after Iowa, it would have been very difficult to put the rose colored glasses back on.
Second, I realized that it's about Dean, not me. Even if the role of the grassroots has to change, or if the staff has to be shaken up or Dean has to use some different tactics, or he comes stubbornly limping into the convention with his 5 delegates, I will be with him. He, warts and all, is the reason I'm here, not the campaign, not the meet ups, and not BFA--BFA was fun, but it's not the reason I'm here.
Also, I would like to be able to have civil discussions with people like Armando and Rick Robinson and Kid Oakland and Petey and once in a while SlackerInc and maybe someday even votekerry. The constant "He sucks" "He's great" "He sucks" "He's great" makes that sort of thing very difficult. Plus, if things work out Dean's way, I'd like to have all of these folks on my side, not howling with anti-Dean rage.
Finally, I can still revel in the decency and common sense of fellow Dean supporters like NYCO and Katiebird and Folkbum and Outlandish Josh and Alli and HPE...well the list is too long to mention, really, but it's a good group of people. I hope I can be one of them without chugging the kool-aid.
This blog, on the other hand, has been my crack for the weak lately...doesn't help that it's freakin' cold outside...