Today Drudge was proudly displaying this:
A bit frustrated to learn that a trashy propagandist is competing with the NYT for online traffic I thought about what could be done to fight this trend. What I came up with is nothing particularly amazing, but I believe it possible to significantly decrease drudges by simply creating a mirror site that offers his same list of links. That way those of us who read drudge but dislike the idea of giving him money with every click, can access his content without actually accessing his site.
I really don't have a lot of time at present, but I do believe it is worthwhile to have a lengthier discussion on what we can do to minimize the influence of conservative media. This should be an ongoing battle, and I believe we need to start thinking about creating action plans and strategies to continually broaden the reach of our message. If you've been feeling much the same now may be the time to begin such a discussion, and I promise to post a lengthier and more succint outline of my thoughts in new diary.