I'm not saying Lieberman has a particularly good chance, and I was as guilty as anyone of writing Kerry off until Iowa, and I was writing Lieberman off too, through yesterday...but when I read today somewhere that the electorate in New Hampshire is one third Democratic, one third Independent, and one third Republican, that, along with the much talked about independence of NH voters, seems to give Lieberman has a chance of pulling enough R's and I's a good showing. I personally think Lieberman is center-left, though arguably center-right on the issues that are publicized most, but there is a large perception of him as a Republican and as a guy that Republicans wouldn't mind having as President. Given his low expectations, enough R's and I's lining up behind him could give him a surprisingly strong 3rd so that he gets a second viewing by voters in places like South Carolina and Oklahoma. Outside chance, but certainly possible. Don't write him off until he has resigned.