Felt this development needed it's own diary so it might come to the attention of Olbermann and be shown on TV.
The same day these photos were taken by Khue Bui for Newsweek--the morning of July 1--was the Friday morning when the world finally knew that TIME would release Cooper's e-mails. AND this was taken right after Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement! They should look happy if they are innocent on the Plame Leak Case and just got the first Supreme Court appointment in over a decade.
But they look very upset despite that, because they know that Rove lied to the Grand Jury about the Cooper conversation being about welfare reform AND that he KNOWINGLY released classified information from the de-classifying remark AND the "I've already said too much" remark is especially damning. Plus Cheney clearly is upset because he is going down.
Pictures don't lie.
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The second photo of Rove is priceless. It really seems like someone is telling them about the e-mails out on the lawn there, although of course we don't know. Seeing the two pics together says a lot. The first is Rove, Bartlett, Lynne Cheney, and Darth himself. The second is Rove, Bartlett, Libby and the real President. Newsweek used the second photo as a lead in its new article to emphasize the White House worry.
Captions anybody?
Update [2005-7-17 13:36:8 by Sherlock Google]: Thought it was Lynne Cheney in the first pic, but it's the New WH counsel Harriet Miers, pointed out below. Thanks to Happiness Cat for the Correction.