What's your favorite comment ever? These are mine. They are so amazingly
stupid that I just love it. It's like a child you feel sorry for.
Yes, I know I'm about to start a fight. I don't care. This is just too hilarious to ignore.
I won't, obviously, say who made these comments, or link to them. But my god, I LOVE these comments.
MSOC, you still don't get it, do you? (8+ / 0-)
-- snip-- (Deleted names here)
You knew that Wapo comes with an angle. Even if you didn't know, a media-savvy person would start with that assumption.
You could have prepared for the interview; you could have talked to some people like Ariana, Jane Hamsher and others quietly and made a list of do's and don'ts.
Your views are one thing. But you could have pumped into the interviewer about the great world of progressive blogging - Katrina bloggers, education bloggers, social security bloggers, literature bloggers. You even have garden and painting bloggers on dailykos. None of that came through in that profile.
Most liberal bloggers are highly educated. You didn't even mention that to the reporter and put him on that angle.
I can go on and on, but you get the idea.
Couldn't you have stopped smoking just for a day or two in front of a house guest?
Couldn't have drunk your dietcoke or whatever out of a coffee cup instead of wine glass at 5AM?
Couldn't you have worn some nice clothes
instead of night pajamas for a guest's visit?
You had a great opportunity to get a soft profile for yourself and all progressives that wapo made an icon out of you. You didn't think through all these things and you messed up big time.
Another one. Again, name deleted.
And because I don't fawn all over you.
And apparently you don't put any stock in snip opinion either, because what I've said about your narcissistic zeal for your 15 minutes of pseudo-fame has been almost identical to what he's said. The content is pretty much the same; he's just more diplomatic than me. But why don't you ask him who he agrees more with, you or me? Afraid of the answer? Or dismissive of anyone who's not a cultist worshiping at the alter of Maryscott O'Connor?
But hey, it's all about you. I've known that for several months. Maybe you've known that forever, but you don't know it, maybe you never will. But you're fucking incredible, thinking that WaPo article did anything good for you or progressive blogs. That reporter went out looking for a patsy. And your ego announced you as a more than willing dupe to fulfill his needs.
You're a sucker.
I remember when you first started at Daily Kos, and you weren't your own acronym, and nobody had seen those fuzzy glamour shots you feel the need to have everyone ogle. And I defended you three or four times when people took shots at you. You sure put stock in my opinion then, and wished to correspond with me then. You sent me that supposed special invite to have a low user ID number when MLW started (as if I give a shit about vanity things like that). You sure put stock in my opinion then. Seems to me you only put stock in my opinion until I expressed an opinion against you feeding your ego needs at the expense of progressive blogs.
Whatever. Just spend the rest of your blogging days staring at your reflection in that pool of water. It'll get you far. Whether it gets anyone else very far or is good for your supposedly avowed political ideals is obviously unimportant to you.
What the fuck are you people talking about? Are you insane? Do you think it's easy to figure out what the hell you're supposed to say to the WaPO? How you're supposed to act? Jesus Christ, people. You crack me up.