I guess the increasing interest in McCain VP option is partly driven by the paucity of Democrats who excite.
As I say on this thread, I am unmoved by the names floated so far for Kerry's VP from the Democratic column. At best, it seems, we're getting a DLCer.
Why is it better to get a DLCer (and, yes, I include Edwards and Richardson in that camp) than a GOPer who is, at least, more of a human being than the others?
Look, I ain't thrilled with McCain.
But I am less thrilled by every single name mentioned so far (except for John Lewis or Max Cleland, who seem to be already out of the rumning) than I am about McCain.
I hate to be a pain, but if I were John Kerry, my number one concern in picking a VP is not to repeat JFK's mistake of picking someone who would assassinate him.