Don't get me wrong, I am a Dean supporter. And I did vote to opt-out of public financing--my reasons for doing so are floating around somewhere on this blog from yesterday or the day before. And the ballot was brilliant psychologically. After I voted to opt out, I was immediately given the chance to back up my vote with a financial pledge. Then I was given the option to "pledge my support for Dean in my state caucuses." As someone who has already contributed north of $500 to the campaign and who will be moving to another state soon for an indeterminent number of months this winter/spring, I clicked through both of those screens. I thought I was done--prematurely.
You see, the campaign--they planned for folks like me who would vote to opt out and not immediately pledge additional funds cause I just received this email from Joe Trippi that leaves me halfway between chuckling and the sheer persistence of the campaign on the one hand and bemusement at what I have gotten myself into as a Dean supporter on the other (in a good way for the most part). The campaign is kind of like the blog (that was Freudian!) blob. It cannot be argued with or stopped and wants to absorb everything in its path. Here is the letter:
"Dear Marcopolo:,
"If the future of our country rests in the hands of the American people, the least we can do is place the most important decision of our campaign in the hands of our supporters."--Howard Dean
When Governor Dean asked you for your full participation in the most important decision of our campaign, you responded. You voted to go toe-to-toe against the special interest money machine that is funding the Bush campaign.
With that choice comes the responsibility to fund our campaign ourselves. The national press and Washington pundits expect you to vote to opt out of the public financing system--but they question whether the grassroots has what it takes to make up for the $19 million in matching funds that we will decline if we opt out. We're not asking you to make a contribution now, but you can show the press and pundits your commitment to defeating George W. Bush by pledging whatever amount you think you will be able to contribute to our campaign.
Click here to make a pledge now.
Your pledge by midnight tonight will send a clear message to George W. Bush and the large corporate interests that influence our political process--that this is a campaign owned by the people, and we are taking our country back.
Joe Trippi
Campaign Manager
Dean for America
What do you think will happen if I still hold off from pledging again until the Farthest North Dean Birthday Bash on Saturday, November 15th (my original plan--oh and feel free to drop a buck or two in my bat if you want :))?