I don't post diaries much. But -- maybe it's Rove's latest hit or the new design-- here's something I've been thinking about for a while. Not a tinfoil hat conspiracy thingie, an observation or a theory. Here goes:
Briefly, the American Century is over, finished, Bush killed it, there is a great big shift of power beginning globally, and, given the willingness (& eagerness) of this radical RW administration to bully-occupy-slaughter-loot whole regions of the world, this is not such a bad thing.
follow my reasoning, won't you, and tell me what you think..
First a recap, quick (and sloppy)
1. The USSR fell in '89, beginning with the Berlin Wall, leaving one ONE military superpower on earth.
At first no one much noticed, or felt frightened, or minded-- because of the credit accumulated by the USA, all through the 20th c.
- The Gulf War was as much of a lark as Grenada, an overwhelming, utterly disproportionate engagement, a dazzling display of our force but we had allies --&-- we went home afterwards. And Clinton, sensibly, began to reduce the military budget.
- The Busheviks seize power in '00. The (fortuitous, for them) catastrophe of 9-11 gives them a free hand. GWB's unique unholy alliance of neo-con imperialists & proselytizing Rapture-crazed talibangelists swings into action.
- Iraq. (well, let's face it, Palestine, NorthKorea, Europe-insulting plus Iraq)
Early, when Smirky McWhacko first started really running amuck, I was talking with a friend in Europe who said, "I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-Bush" And I replied immediately, instinctively, "No! If this country is so unstable, that a relatively small, radical cabal can seize power as effectively and thoroughly as this one has, then this country
cannot be trusted. It is not as stable as we all thought.
Seems to me that the world, by and large, has come to the same conclusions. China, India, the EU (despite recent stutters) Venezuela & on and on are all open to, if not actively seeking, new alliances. Keep an eye on military budgets, as well as nuclear programs too. Nobody's going to let the US remain the only big military power on earth. That's over.
The nuclear menace increases. The American Empire declines. All this is George Walker Bush's gift to the country.
Even if we succeed in voting them out of power, & begin the arduous task of repairing the damage domestically to our insitutions & policies, this won't change. "America" will not be trusted again as it was. And, frankly, I think that's good, healthy-- though uncomfortable in the short run.
so whaddya think? How far am I off?