Bill O'Reilly is racist pig. Right, and water's wet-- hardly a breaking story. Well, today, my gentle Kosmopolitans, BillO went right over the edge...
Media Matters:
O'REILLY: Now in 1986, President Reagan thought he could solve the [immigration] problem by granting about 3 million illegal aliens amnesty. The New York Times was in heaven, editorializing back then, quote, "The new law won't work miracles but it will induce most employers to pay attention, to turn off the magnets, to slow the tide." Of course, just the opposite happened. But the Times hasn't learned a thing. That's because the newspaper and many far-left thinkers believe the white power structure that controls America is bad, so a drastic change is needed.
According to the lefty zealots, the white Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition, if you will. This can only happen if demographics change in America.
An open-border policy and the legalization of millions of Hispanic illegal aliens would deeply affect the political landscape in America. That's what The New York Times and many others on the left want. They might get it. And that's the "Memo."
Go watch the video for yourself.
First, as a white Christian male, all I can say to BillO is: wrap your transparent race-baiting in a fresh falafel and shove it straight up your ass, Bill. You don't speak for me, nor any Christian who has ever bothered to read the Bible.
See, Bill, the Bible says (Acts 17:26) that "[He] hath made of one blood all nations." No one is born special; we're all equal, and no one, no one is given a genetic mandate to rule.
Sorry to break it to you, Bill, but here in America we choose our leaders based on their proven abilities, not on the color of their skin or their religion (or lack thereof). At least, that's the way its supposed to work, and does, when our nation's every step is not dogged by cowardly racist morons who would rather blame everyone else for their lives and retreat into the epic fiction of their own, overlooked "superiority".
What we have here, my dear friends, is BillO and the GOP's Alamo. Given the chance to lead our great nation, they have proven themselves failures in every conceivable way. All they have left is the naked core of racism that has driven the Republican Party since the days when Dems kicked the Dixiecrats to the curb and GOP decided that hatred and bigotry had a new home under their flimsy tent. They have nothing. They are nothing. Racism is their last stand.
One last word for Bill: Sir, clearly you have nothing left to offer if the best you can do to try to shore up your flagging ratings is to use your tiny soapbox as a platform for transparent white supremacist talking-points. You don't have to go out like this, Bill-- just quietly retire to your loofa farm and save your staff the embarrassment of being pulled from the air.
(h/t to Atrios)