The first paragraph of
this article might just hold the key to why we went to war in Iraq.
Even as the Bush administration seeks a negotiated settlement to the North Korean nuclear standoff, an intimidating array of high-tech weaponry, much of it battle-tested in Iraq and Afghanistan, is being deployed south of the demilitarized zone that divides the Korean peninsula.
(Emphasis supplied)
Prior to the war, I remember logging on to Yahoo's message boards and reading post after post after post from the conservative nutcases trumpeting all the cool, new weaponry we'd be field-testing in Iraq. Now, I hate to think this way, but after all of the other arguements (WMD, creating a safer America, democracy) have evaporated, this is the only one that has remained substantial, aside from the "blood-for-oil" scenario.
Ugh...war with North Korea. Why does it feel like Bush wants to revisit all of America's past wars and make up for the "mistakes"? Can Vietnam be far beind? Of course, I'm being scarcastic, and that'll never happen...I hope.