How could a voter be torn between Joe Leiberman and Dennis Kucinich?
I give you two examples.
Number one: personal anecdote.
I was in the store yesterday wearing, as usual, my Edwards for prez button. A man, who I didn't know, asked me a couple of questions about Edwards. After that discussion, I asked him if he was decided on a candidate as of yet. He said that he was torn between Leiberman and Kucinich because they "both have such good ideas about where to take this country". I was somewhat taken aback and asked if it bothered him that they didn't agree on some issues. He said they agreed on the important ones to which I asked, what about Iraq? He said, "Oh yes, I particularly like their positions on what to do in Iraq."
I thought to myself, this must be an isolated incident but then, this morning I read...
Number two: My local paper, the Valley News gives us this account:
After Lieberman's appearance, Kendal resident Nancy Sully, who teaches poetry and once ran a secretarial service, said she is undecided about whom to support. She likes both Lieberman and U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, but said she believes Dean may have the best chance to defeat President Bush.