Jerome Armstrong and Asak posted some recent Gallup poll
graphs re Junior's handling of the war (getting worse for Junior with disapproval 54% and approval 45%)
Support for going to war however is still solid after some dips (54% woth it, 44% not). The big dips were in June and September.
Why the dips? What's it going to take to lower that second set of support numbers?
An Apache helicopter was shot down in June, and Dems stepped up their criticism of the war at that point.
This from CNN to remind us of what was happening in June:
U.S. soldier killed in Baghdad convoy attack
CIA chief testifies before Senate panel
Questions about the use of intelligence on Iraq dog the White House
Democrats widen war criticism
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A U.S. soldier was killed Wednesday in an attack on a convoy in Baghdad, bringing the number of American battle deaths in the Iraqi conflict to 148 surpassing the 147 killed in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
Thirty-three of those deaths have come in attacks since President Bush declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq on May 1.
In general the May "Mission Accomplished" speech was starting to look inoperative. Don't remember what else happened. Anyone keeping a timeline?
September was the $87-billion-for-Halliburton speech. That one's easier.
Folks have an amazing talent to not hear and see what they wish to ignore. Until Clark spoke out, there was no publicized direction in Iraq as an alternative, but he's not the candidate running at this time.
We tease Dean supporters re drinking the kool-aid, but 35% of Junior's suporters are the fucking Borg and the rest aren't hearing anything but stay the course in a vague way from us and a clear way from the Wurlitzer. There's no other way for them to go... yet. Clearly shown in polls is that our party is split on this and theirs is not.
At the same time, the Repubs (look at Pat Roberts) are frantically trying to control the news agenda. Voice vote on the 87 billion. No investigation of how the WH screwed up the intelligence.
Once the dam breaks, the numbers will change. Anyone got some dam-breaking ideas?
Note the poll is not wishing for Bad Things to happen.