The next constutitional convention in Massachusetts is on March 29. They are trying to raise $75,000, and so far are at almost $12,000 with barely a week left. They have managed to persuade a number of legislators to support equality and to oppose a number of severe amendments, but the far-right groups like Concerned Women for America (who claim gays are domestic terrorists), along with Mitt Romney and Thomas Fineran, are always putting ungodly amounts of pressure on legislators to get them to vote for an amendment, preferably an amendment that would split the question in two, therefore banning marriage but not giving gays any benefits such as hospital visitation, insurance...nothing.
Reading about the people who were bussed in from other states because the local clergy wanted a "blunt" message made my skin crawl. These people walked up to families and told them that they had AIDS and would burn in hell. They had children waving around signs about Adam and Steve and that no sex is better than same sex. They would physically intimidate gays and lesbians and their supporters, regardless of their age or health. They truly have no shame. Yes, reasonable people can oppose same-sex marriage. These were not reasonable people. They stop at absolutely nothing.
They have so much money and so much influence. Gay groups have very, very little. They literally work until their fingertips are bleeding and raw. They scrape together every penny and pray that that is enough.
Please help them if you can.