For all the insipid "Dean is too negative" meme is worth (little), it is just stupefying to watch how nasty and vindictive the other candidates have been with Dean, and how nasty and vindictive supporters of the other candidates can be when it comes to smearing Dean any way possible.
Mark my words: this very tendency is going to be a big reason why Democrats lose in 2004, if that happens.
The Kerry/Edwards/Gephardt candidacies are all about insider privilege, establishment status, and elite entitlement. Kerry wants to be president, for example, well, because he is a senator and his wife is rich. It is an entitled ambition ...
and it is singularly amazing the degree of viciousness they have shown in participating in the media-wide smear campaign against Dean.
It's taken on Get Hillary levels by now, and of course, the worst whores are the members of our own party (such as Gephardt, Kerry, and Edwards) who have participated in the smearing as eagerly as any Republican PR hack masquerading on CNN as an "objective commentator".
The whole things makes me sick, and makes me less able than ever to stomach even the THOUGHT of supporting Senator Rich Guy or Mr. Rich Florida Lawyer.
I am tired of the elite system; I support the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.