EATING THEIR OWN. To the list of reasons that add up to "why Rudy Giuliani will never be president," you can add the latest activities of the groups Defend Life, The National Pro-Life Action Center, and Youth for Life, which today announced that they are calling for William Henry Cardinal Keeler, the archibishop of Baltimore, to condemn the former New York mayor and bar him from making a commencement appearance at Loyola College, a Jesuit institution in Maryland, because he is pro-choice.
"The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has made clear that Catholic institutions are not to honor or host known pro-abortion public figures like Rudy Giuliani," Jack Ames, the founder of Defend Life said in a statement today. "If the college is unwilling to heed our requests and respect the directives of the Catholic Church, then it is incumbent upon Cardinal Keeler to take quick and decisive action to end this matter."
Wrong in excluding Catholics because of their pro-choice views. Right to treat Republicans the same as Dems.