Neither do I consider myself to be a peace activist (I don't mean to insult peace activists, but I simply don't consider myself belonging to that category.), nor do I hate the military, but I have grown tired of the military being treated as a sacred cow.
As an Illinois resident, I totally support what Senator Durbin has said, and don't think he ever needed to apologize, but unfortunately, he sort of caved somewhat on Friday (Used the words, "sincerely regret" in a statement.), and I am not too happy with that.
I just wish he never caved in even somewhat because even that reenforces the notion that Democrats are "weak" by the MSM and GOP.
Dr. Dean never apologized for "white, Christian party" comment even though it was considered controversial.
Regardless, Senator Durbin is still my favorite Senator, and I am proud of him bringing up the torture issue.
This whole episode of Senator Durbin comparing the torture that happened in Guantanamo Bay to the torture that happened in other authoritarian regimes of Nazi Germany, Soviet Gulag, and Pol Pot's Cambodia has brought pretty intense personal attacks from conservative talk radio hosts.
Almost every conservative talk radio host I sampled in the last few days mentioned Senator Durbin's torture related comments.
Personally, I don't really care what these conservative talk radio hosts say, and in fact, it was pretty fun listening to Limbaughs of the world go nuts over what Senator Durbin said (Many of these hosts devoted more than half of their show denouncing Senator Durbin.), however, the comments made by these two groups did start to bother me; The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Legion Chief Assails Sen. Durbin's Slander of Servicemembers
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2005 - The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization today called for a full apology from Sen. Richard Durbin for his outlandish remarks against U.S. military personnel.
"There are lies and there are damn lies!" American Legion National Commander Thomas P. Cadmus said. "Senator Durbin knows better and owes every man and woman in the United States Armed Forces an apology for his totally inaccurate remarks comparing our sons and daughters to crimes of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Pol Pot."
"I would encourage Senator Durbin to visit Guantanamo - not a VIP tour - but receive POW/MIA training from the United States Army and spend his August recess working along side of the very Americans he has defamed," Cadmus said. "The young service members that I have the honor to meet are honest, hard-working, dedicated patriots. Clearly, there were some malcontents that will receive swift and just punishment. But to wantonly stereotype every GI Joe and Jane is conduct unbecoming a Member of Congress."
"Senator Durbin's remarks could very well make him the `Hanoi Jane' of this conflict," Cadmus added. "Many veterans believe Jane Fonda's remarks gave aid and comfort to the enemy. It sure provided them with plenty of propaganda fodder. I am totally outraged by his hideous slight of those he should be honoring for their selfless devotion to this nation. Especially egregious is the fact that his remarks not only insulted U.S. servicemembers but all the innocent victims of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. I take great exception to this irresponsible comparison of my comrades in arms to thugs that killed millions of helpless, noncombatants."
VFW Demands Senator Apologize to Troops
Washington, June 16, 2005 - U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) drew the fury of the 2.4 million members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliaries when he likened the alleged actions of a few U.S. military personnel to Soviets, Nazis and Khmer Rouge.
The senator made his comment on the Senate floor this week after reading part of a report filed by an FBI agent who visited the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The agent wrote about loud music, varying temperatures and physical restraints being used on the suspected Al Qaeda terrorists.
"The senator was totally out of line for even thinking such thoughts, and we demand he apologize to every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of our country, and to their families," said John Furgess, the VFW's commander-in-chief.
"They answered the call to create our country, to save our Union, and to help free the world from tyranny. And in return, all they ever asked for was to be appreciated for who they are and what they do, and for the country to care for their minds and bodies if broken or care for their families should they die," he said
"To link such selflessness to three of world's worst regimes is reprehensible," said Furgess, "and I call on every member of Congress and all 900,000 veterans in the State of Illinois to make their displeasure known to Senator Durbin."
One thing I noticed about Senator Durbin's speeches he has made in the last couple of days is that, he has gone to extra lengths to avoid criticizing the military and the people who are currently serving in the military.
Despite that, these veteran groups have reacted in a way that could be seen as (At least that the way I see it.) no criticism of the military will ever be allowed in this country.
Why should the military ever be above criticism even if there is a war going on?
While it is likely that it is Bush and Rumsfeld whom gave permission to use torture as an interrogation tactic, it is ultimately our military that carried out the orders to use torture.
I am sure there were many officers and commanders who thought such orders were illegal, but I personally have not seen much dissent in the military or among the retired military brass regarding this issue.
I do understand that our military is under civilian control, but the Nuernberg Trial has shown that "I was just following orders." cannot be used as a defense of illegal orders.
I never had any negative or positive opinions about The American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars up to this point, but I no longer see them in a positive light.
One last thing I want to comment is, I know the Democratic Party is trying to reach out to war veterans by trying to improve their access to benefits or health care, but inevitably I am afraid war veterans will always gravitate towards the warmonger party (GOP) no matter how hard Democrats try.
It is probably as futile as Democrats trying to appeal to "People of faith." (A nice way of calling Christian fundamentalists.)