And in a
Press Release, no less!!!
"At this time, I do not believe the President has a clear strategy for victory."
Finally, some accountability from the majority party in congress!
"Absent some control by Congress, I am certain that this war will escalate to a point when costs and measures will grow out of control."
The icing on the cake:
"[The President] has no viable plan for what happens at the end of three years...However, the troops are still there, at a cost of billions of taxpayer dollars."
this is truly seismic coming from an (alleged) "rubber-stamp":
"The ... mission stands as a sobering reminder of the impact that an ambiguous deployment can have on military readiness, morale, and scarce defense resources."
Oh. Wait. Sorry, everyone. My bad.
The war here is Kosovo (you know, the one with short, successful US troop involvement) , the President, Bill Clinton (the one with the budget surpluses).
Pretend-moderate Republicans who are up for re-election this year really should think twice before keeping up their old Clinton-era press releases online. It shows them for the callous partisan hacks they really are.
If going to war on a pack of lies bothers you, heck, if any of the myriad disasters wrought uopn our country by BushCo. bothers you, I invite you all to do a little digging in the service of the upcoming election. I, for one, found a treasure trove of hypocrisy on Bass' site alone on a number of issues.
It's going to be an interesting summer and fall.
Crossposted on The Yankee Doodler, where "BREAKING" is not allowed in titles.