I am a big fan of Eric Mink, a St Louis Post-Dispatch columnist, who hit another home run, Jan.12, 2004, discussing how the BUSH ADMINISTRATION POWER GRAB WEAKENS AMERICA. The entire op-ed is a must read (
http://tinyurl.com/669g4) but I am compelled to quote the end, because it is the kind of courageous analysis that our media needs more of.
Mink quotes Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina from last week's Gonzales hearing and then comments. "I think you weaken yourself as a nation," (Graham) told Gonzales, "when you try to play cute (with the law) and become more like your enemy, instead of like who you want to be."
Weakness is exactly the point. For all their bullying assertions of power and moral superiority, these are frightened little men who lack faith in the elemental principles of the most noble and heroic nation in human history. They're afraid that American ideals are too weak to prevail against the ruthless rage of terrorists, afraid that the rule of law is inferior to the rule of violence and intimidation.
In this, they are terribly terribly wrong."
E-mail: emink@post-dispatch.com
Wow is Eric Mink dead right! And I believe that we need a SERIOUS NATIONAL DEBATE on the issues raised in this column.
If America is the greatest nation in the world, then why does the Bush Administration have to imprison people for life without due process? Why do they need to `disappear' prisoners from the reach of the International Red Cross? Why do they need torture to interrogate people? Why do they need covert death squads to assassinate people? Why did they invade Iraq when the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia? And if any of this is wrong, WHY HASN'T ANYONE BEEN FIRED?
Eric Mink answered it: Because they are frightened little men who don't really believe in American values. They are using American power to tear this country down, not build us up or protect us. They are weak and they are making America weak. By ignoring legal precedent, undermining the rule of law, restricting the Constitution, consolidating power with `yes' men and bullying the opposition, GEORGE BUSH IS ACTING MORE LIKE AND AUTHORITARIAN DICTATOR THAN A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
I only wish more Americans could see through the façade and hold George Bush accountable for what he is doing in our name.