As a fan of "The Daily Show", I know that Jon Stewart doesn't attack guests; he is genial, as a polite host should be, and often adopts a kidding tone with his guests. Occasionally, he's not above sticking the knife in just a little bit when warranted. (His interview with Ralph Reed is a nice example of this.) And when confronted with an out-and-out whopper, he will call the guest on it.
So what was up tonight, with Kay Bailey Hutchinson? The Senator - and I use that term only in its most technical application - denied the very suggestion that, with their newly-enhanced majority, the Republicans in the Senate would force through a plethora of legislation that the Democrats would be helpless to stop.
Ms. Hutchinson may be unfamiliar with some of the recent statements of Mr. George W. Bush, formerly of her home state of Texas, and currently the leader of her political party. Statements which indicate that he fully intends to proceed on a "You're either with us or against us" basis quite at odds with Ms. Hutchinson's rosier view of Senatorial collegiality.
That's when it struck me - I don't think I've seen a really good, savage deflating of ANYTHING on TDS since the election. And even the election night special felt curiously tame.
I don't want TDS to be a parrot for Dem/lefty viewpoints. I do want its host to call guests on their statements when there are documented facts which contradict them.