Why the hell can't we break free of this addiction we have to gasoiline? Other than the fact that we put that fucking idiot in the Whitehouse. In truth, there is no shortage, the oil companies are doing this to us because they can. We haven't developed hybrids and alternatives quickly enough. It did start with Carter, but then Reagan turned back the clock on that. Clinton didn't do enough to advance it again. I think Gore would have. But no, we are stuck with the biggest idiot in the world as Preznit. We will probably never see $2.50/gal again. It will be much higher. The only good thing is this will torpedo Bush's approval ratings. But that means nothing. He'll get a pass, like always. It doesn't bode well for us when we have a President that cares more about Baghdad than New Orleans. I hate him so much. Much like everyone else here. How he got enough votes to remain President is totally beyond me.