How come the media is not picking up Geppy's FLIP-FLOP!!!
U.S. National Pro-life Group Cautions Gephardt on Accusing Dean of Inconsistency
IOWA, January 14, 2004 ( - It appears Democratic candidates cannot accuse each other of much without their accusations rebounding with vengeance. In a speech in Iowa today, Congressman Richard Gephardt harshly criticized Howard Dean as inconsistent, stating, "To me, there is no room for the cynical politics of manufactured anger and false conviction. I believe in standing for something, and I think all of you do too."
In response, the Committee released a copy of a letter written by Gephardt in 1984, in which Gephardt wrote, "As you know, I have always been supportive of pro-life legislation. I intend to remain steadfast on this issue. In the past, I have been against federal funding for abortion. I also feel that foreign aid should be denied to private organizations which perform abortions or promote them. I believe that the life of the unborn should be protected at all costs."