I was right, it WAS 14 dead soldiers, and America's media has become a giant game of three card monte. Pick the red, you get ahead. pick the black, it sets ya back. Those are the rules of three card monte, and apparently, those are also the rules for reading or watching the news about Iraq. One outlet says 3 dead soldiers, another says four, and a third says 14. Which is true ???
All of them apparently.
Cursor-Media Patrol has a few links to the various accounts of fighting in Iraq this past week (starting at the fourth para from the top, right now). And ALL of the rumors are true. 14 dead Americans here, 3 dead Americans there. And since Americans are too squemish to be told the truth all at once, only the story about the 3 dead soldiers is being reported
the story that most of the media isn't reporting is, we lost 14 soldiers in the fighting along Iraq's border with Syria. But you have to read deep into the NY times article headlining Iraqi dead, not Americans, to find out the real toll
through all of the muck, bullshit, and spin we have heard in the past 5 days, this quote stands out
in a Marine offensive along the Syrian border, at least 14 American soldiers (have been killed).
that should be the fucking headline, and the lead paragraph of every news program. Instead we get fairy tales of 100 dead insurgents, and the less offensive story of 3 dead Americans
which comes from this quote from the same article
the 1,000-man battle group had reported killing about 100 insurgents, with a loss of three Marines,
this story also reintroduces the mythical "100 dead Insurgents" that we've been hearing about for 5 days. I find it strange that the number of dead insurgents remains the same, yet the number of Dead Americas keeps going up. Does this mean that the three dead are part of the 14 previously reported (or, more appropriatly, not reported), or does this mean that the total is now 17 dead soldiers???. And why are the three being reported but not the fourteen, since I heard about the 3 dead soldiers at the same time I heard about the 14 others ???
other links from Cursor lead to stories of an enemy we can't see:
"We're fighting an invisible enemy," said Sgt. Jeffrey Swartzentruber of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. "They're like the ... CIA."
and about a possible downing of two heilocopters
So how many American Soldiers have died in the past 5 days, and why can't America's media report it ??? My local paper has repeated various forms of the initial report (detailing the 100 dead insurgents) for 3 DAYS. No mention of the 14 dead soldiers yet
So What is my point ??? I first heard about the 14 dead Americans on Tuesday, about 5:30 pm PDT, from a report on CBS News, if you can believe that. How could I know more about the death toll in Iraq that most of the media ??? I am wondering how long it will take before the news organizations of this nation actually tell us how many soldiers died in the past 5 days