With the sunnis, and the shia both working together, the Iraqi police, and military walking off the job, and no Iraqis in general taking the fight to Sadr's militia, in fact they are helping them. The question I have to ask is, who are we defending? The Kurds? The US needs to figure out just what we are defending over their, if the Iraqis are backing the rebellion then it really isn't a rebellion is it?
I'm asking these questions because I'd like some honest answers, no partisan bickering, in Vietnam the South Vietnamise didn't have the will to fight off the commies, and were in the minority, we never vietnamised the Vietnam war, are we ever going to Iraqize this fight? If the majority of Iraqis want Sadr, Sisanti, and the rest of the Clerics in charge then let's get the hell out, because I don't see who, or what we are fighting for.