I was going to write my usual afternoon screed, but its been such a good week for democracy overall, in so many ways, I just couldn't work up the necessary venom. And no one had to get blown to bits in Iraq to underscore the Neocon incompetence and duplicity (Anymore than usual anyway). I'm downright giddy. A recap ...
Despite the Rethuglicans hiding behind the Popapalooza, there's going to be some good times ahead; watching Bush and Co. being asked why they think the
Social Security Trust Fund and government bonds in general are worthless IOUs everytime they get a chance to open their yap and spew social insecurity on TV for the next month; watching Tom DeLay try to both
duck under the robes of God to avoid mounting scandal
and courageously stand up to take on the
Conservative Christian Activist Judges that have
run amok.
Even at the local level it was a hoot for some as they watched the Brave Lady Michele of Minnesotan homophobes and intolerant bigots hide behind some bushes so she could watch a demonstration for gay rights without being seen. Better luck next time Michele!
But for me, and I bet a lot of you folks as well, the sweetest part of the week was watching FoxNews, and most especially our buddies Assrocket and Big Phallus over at "powergate" get their heads handed to them in newspapers and News Shows across the Homeland concerning the GOP Mel "Pass the Buck" Martinez Memo. I'd say that event deserves being immortalized in the lexicon of Blogdom. From henceforth, I propose that whenever someone desperately hangs on to their one lucky guess, and pathetically tries to relive those fleeting days of glory for all time, to the point that they make an utter, public, spectacle out of themselves, that activity shall be known as powerlining.