Maher Speaks Out on Larry King Live (CNN)
Bill Maher actually said," if Bush would get is head out of his ass" (referring to the Iraqi War) tonight on CNN.
On Alito: "Of course he will over turn Roe vs. Wade." It will be the best thing for the Democrats and the liberals."
On Scooter Libby: "The whole Republican Party seems to be under indictment."
On Tom Delay: "The funnel of corruption will still be alive in America." (Even if Delay is indicted.)
On Libby and Rove: "I hope they get what they deserve. When obstruction of justice and lying under oath were an issue with Clinton, it was the worst crime in the world. When it applies to the Republicans it's no big deal. Republicans are loyal to people before principles. "
On the War on Christmas: "People need to pick their battles. I'm not surprised that the Republicans are making this an issue. They are the champions of fake issues. Scare and fool the super Christy rubes."
On the Avian flu: "Complete scare tactic. A flu shot is the worst thing you can do. The defense against disease is to have a strong immune system. If you get a headache, it is not because of aspirin deficiency." (Referring to flu shots.) Apparently neither Maher nor I get flu shots or the flu.
On immigration: "If you double the security on the border, only 80 percent will get in as opposed to 90 percent."
On Papa Bush and Barbara seen kissing: ""Please don't let them do that. There are great strides being made in fertility." Don't let them have anymore children!"
"Pot should be legalized. Where are the Democrats?"
On Hillary Clinton and flag burning. "The worst of both worlds. The right wing will call her an opportunist. The left wing just looks at it and throws up. She attacks something that can't fight back."
On Zarqawi: "Zarqawi is literally turning down applicants."
On the 2008 election: He likes Biden, Wesley Clark, and John Edwards.
On Saddam's trial: Suggests he have his trial in LA. "Juries are stupid and you can show up in your pajamas."
Believe it or not I don't recall hearing Maher ever speak before. I shall definitely buy his new book tomorrow.