It seems politicians are stereotyped with one of four major labels:
- Stupid---probably the most insulting stereotype, men like Dan Quayle (who is not the stupidest guy to ever hang out in Washington) get stuck with this.
- Angry/Unstable---The honesty and testiness of McCain and Dean are confused with anger, the comments of Goldwater were used to call him "unstable."
- Dishonest---While all politicians lie, some fit the media's "special class" of liars, with Bill Clinton being the chief.
- Boring---politicians should KNOW everything, but NOT share their detailed opinions on everything in a verbose way. Gore and Kerry suffer from this label.
The media, who was burned by watergate, will not wait for a candidate's personality flaws to manifest themselves. Rather, they jump on a person's idiosyncracies and work up a whole pop psychology profile.
What other stereotypes can you think of?
How can we eliminate or reduce this trend in an internet age?