...why, I don't know. I rarely listen to anything he says, but I was flipping through the radio stations and something on the wingnut station caught my attention.
Rush started predictably enough... "I was reading through that organ of the Democrat party, the New York Times. Now usually, I look through the Times, and wonder, 'now what if this were true?' But then I saw that they were quoting from the scientific journal Nature, so maybe there is something to it."
From here on I'm going to have to paraphrase because I don't remember exactly his words...(after the flip)
Rush goes on to explain that a study showed that anti-pollution efforts may be increasing global warming.
Apparently, the haze produced by pollution reduces the amount of sun that comes through and hits the earth.
Therefore, in Rush's wonderfully twisted logic, the leftists who insist on driving in their hybrid cars are actually contributing more to global warming, and the guys driving the big SUV's are doing the most to prevent it!
Furthermore, by Bush not signing the Kyoto treaty, he has proven to be one of the greatest environmentalists of all time.
He ends by saying "What does this mean? It means that you'll never hear about this again. Except from me. I promise you won't stop hearing about it from me."
My head is still spinning.