The Republican party is one of the strongest institutions in the country. They have a tried and true mechanism that won them every election between 68-92 (except 76), and a solid base in Congress. Does anyone else think we might be duping ourselves?
Much has been made about the Dean campaign, the first outsider since Reagan to make either party's nomination (note, I'm presuming here for a minute). Oh, sure, there was Gary Hart, Pat Robertson, Moonbeam, Buchanan, and McCain, but they all ended up as the answers of trivia questions. But the Internet has changed all this, and empowered otherwise obscure minor candidates, and has weakened the establishment's grasp, and you're kidding yourself if you think that the GOP doesn't know this.
In 2008, we shall see an outsider, in my view probably a dark horse like Bill Owens, run in the primary against a GOP heavyweight. Whether or not Dean wins in 04, there will be a bloody fight on the GOP side in 2008. A grassroots candidate will revolutionize their side and seize the nomination. McCain almost did it even with all of his handicaps. The Republican grassroots will strengthen and drive us out of Washington. The 50-50 electoral map means that a little enthusiasm makes a lot of difference.
My final conclusion: A long stream of 1 term presidents for the forseeable future.