Haley Barbour (R) 377,708 53%
Ronnie Musgrove (D) 322,038 45%
John Thomas Cripps (Cnl) 5,275 1%
Shawn O'Hara (RP) 3,326 1%
Sherman Dillon (Grn) 2,966 1%
82% of precincts reporting.
We're done.
I'm pissed. I've given up all hope on this party. It's going to hell.
Are we trying to lose elections? It certainly seems so. We gather every year after the Republicans have ripped us a new asshole and talk about why we lost and what we can do differently.
And then we lose again.
And again.
And again.
So we're just politically stupid and wrong, or have incredibly inept leadership.
Either way, this party is going to hell in a handbasket.
Canada is looking better each passing moment.