for this evening is a question: Just what does it take for a diary to attain the special recommend list...
I don't post many diaries here, as my role is more in reading. My daily review includes the front page, the recommended list, and the simple diary entries, at least for the time I am reviewing this blog, or coming back to it.
My review has noted some diarist lodging complaints that a diary is pushing them off the 25 new diary list, without their own diary reaching the recommend list. My review has noted some recommended diaries reaching the esteemed recommended list with very few responses.
Front page diaries apparently are given based upon who knows what, I just don't pay enough attention toward who gains front page privilege. Frankly, I am more interested in the not front page, not recommended diaries... I cannot always frame a reply, nor do I always wish a reply, but I find the comments interesting, contemplative, and frequently informative. It might not be the diary itself, it could be those who respond.
I do note that diary entries do gain positive ratings based upon posters who are well known..and that such ratings apply toward those who reply, who are well known.
How does a diary gain entry into the recommend list? How many individuals must recommend it before it gains etnry into the recommended list? Does it require 4 ratings as it relates toward those who respond in a diary? If so, how many?