Notwithstanding his record speaking out against the Vietnam war after returning from duty, has anyone heard Kerry directly criticize that war during this campaign? By contrast, I can recall multiple occasions on which Dean has directly criticized the immorality of the Vietnam war (as with the current war in Iraq, but in sharp distinction to the just war against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan (however badly that's being handled). Both Dean and Kerry have promised "never to send our sons and daughters into harm's way without telling them the reasons for doing so" (paraphrase). But it seems to me that judgments regarding past and future wars are crucial, and now more than ever. Not judgments from 30+ years ago, but judgments now. It could be that I've missed some major address or statement of Kerry's, but I can't remember him stating unequivocably that Vietnam was a terrible mistake, and why it was so. Think about it. Any thoughtful posts, pro or con, are welcome.