A friend of mine posted an
open letter to Kerry about gay marriage that I think is definitely worth reading. It isn't a particularly new idea, but he says it so clearly and persuasively that I'm hoping he manages to get it into the Kerry campaign's hands.
Senator Kerry, forgive me for being coarse, but here's what I want to say to you: have some balls. Take the position that you know is right. Announce boldly that you oppose this amendment, that it is a backwards-looking policy that trivializes our Constitution in an attempt to codify bigotry. Tell Americans that their fears about gay marriage are in some ways understandable, but in no way are they realistic. Remind us that people had the same fears, the same concerns, the same issues about women's suffrage and school desegregation and interracial marriages. Ask this question: "Who among you can say that your own decision to marry or to stay married will be impacted by what your neighbor does, gay or straight?"
Go here for the whole letter.