There are few things that friggin' bother me as much as infringment on personal privacy and civil liberties, especially in the absence of egregious circumstances. Over the past 30 years, we've really given up a lot in that regard. Just think about it the next time you have to do a random urine test at work. Or apply for a drivers license. Or open a new bank account. Or get busted for patronizing a local "working girl".
Every now and then, a news report will run regarding a local newspaper, somewhere in America, writing up the names of patrons of sex industry workers in the local police blotter. I guess until today, I never gave it much of a thought.
(more after the jump)
A coworker forwarded me a link to the
Chicago Police Department website, with the comment, "This is why prostitution should be legal." I certainly agree with my coworker's sentiments. Because the Chicago PD is way over the line.
Some could argue that posting names, partial addresses, and photos of sex industry patrons on a police website is more than excessive, given the nature of the crime. More than merely overkill, this practice is a real slippery slope in my civil libertarian mind.
But here's what's even worse about this particular instance -
these gentlemen have not been convicted of any crime. Indeed, the Chicago PD website carries the disclaimer:
These individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Then why are their pictures being published??? For cheese's sakes, even sex offenders don't have their personal details listed, under Megan's Law, in the public record until they've been convicted.
Why not publish photos, names and addresses of dads who skipped out on child support? Or pipers caught in a local park with their five dollar vial of crack? (Come to think of it, there would probably be some overlap between the johns and the working girls...)
Or, dissident progressives?
Click on the photo above or
this link, and see if you can figure out any other commonality between these guys besides being "johns". No prizes; just want to see who's paying attention...
Cross posted at All Spin Zone