A Survey USA poll states that a majority of Americans (66%) believe that Libby is guilty of lying in his testimony. More telling is that 39% of Americans, the majority of those questioned, believe that Libby lied because he was told to.
This is indicative of why the Democrats should not be afraid to confront the Bush administration on this issue. The public is ready to know the truth, and they are willing to accept that they have been mislead. And if there is any doubt as to whether there will be a negative backlash to attacks on the administration, I believe that polls such as this tell us that the people are more than ready to confront the administration on these issues.
Here is the poll:
I would be interested to see if SUSA is going to take this and poll on the issue of a wider conspiracy. I haven't done a lot research on this, so if this poll has been covered already, please let me know. Also, if more polling has been done on this, please post it and I will update with other data.