Liberals are, of course, masters of Diplomacy right? A diarist at Redstate asks "
Democrats On RedState - Why?".
You know I don't want to talk about Armando, but damn him for always having a relevant (but wrong!) opinion.... see, there is a triad of scoop sites that, for a balance and symmetry seeking mind such as my own, make up a political pattern.
DailyKos is progressive... ok "Reform Democrat (blef)"
RedState is conservative... is a debate locale where both sides meet.
Possibly this last is for a third category of people that value a diversity of opinion, either through a love of debate (guilty), because they like to be challenged (guilty), or possibly because they believe the best ideas are crafted by dialectical methods (ahHA!).
Dialectical... via dialog with opposing views.
The diarist, promoted to thier front page, gives a list of reasons, some of which are a little insulting. But it's a good question. The answers are interesting.
They have a large number of liberals posting there. It is to their credit these people are not all banned. I'd be interested in the experience of anyone that posts there or tales of how you -did- get banned.
Armando's position has been that a place like redstate is for conservatives... no need for liberals to post there. Dkos is for liberals. Tacitus is where the two meet (for example).
Personally, I check all three, with the bulk of my effort coming here. And I feel strongly that someone, not everyone, has to do this. Someone has to keep contact between all the factions of a democracy, for the democracy to survive. Nothing bothers me more than a lack of countervailing reasons. Some opposition is vital to having a secure structure, you can't build a bridge without opposing support forces to pin things in place.
PS: I exagerate when calling Armando wrong (someone has to do it, it's mcjoan's and my job but she's slacking at it)... but Armando has expressed the opinion that liberals really have no place at redstate... and vice versa.
The underlying question for us is the conservative role at dkos. Don't tell me there really is none because, one, conservatives can survive here if they are especially civil, and two, we love our "former dittoheads" and frankly, they bring remnants of conservative ideology with them, starting with kos himself.
Update [2005-4-8 19:36:32 by pyrrho]: Ok, I hadn't read the comments that carefully I guess and I note that Armando posted there... proving me wrong before I even posted my diary... typical! I'll get you next time Armandoooooo. Ok, it's next time. The point still stands, Armando had told me this in the past and has had a change of heart.