Have the DNC start a help/assistance line for Seniors struggling with the choices in the prescription drug plans. Help confused Seniors - then point out how if the Dems were in charge the first thing they would do is put a simpler, more effective, plan on the table. If a new plan costs the government more, so be it - there are things more important than tax cuts for the already wealthy. Think of it as a soft sell of the Democratic party and our principles to Seniors.
just a little bit more on the flipside
My father - recently retired former senior executive in a multinational company, holder of a college degree, a post graduate degree, avid reader, still completely active - can't figure the damn thing out. Even something that you might think is minutia, like the print being too small to easily read is frustrating. And while we know that there is a wealth of information out on the internets and in print that will allow seniors to make an informed, comparitive choice, many seniors (my father definitely included) would much rather be able to talk to someone about it.
Here is a chance to be proactive and provide a support network to those that deserve it, all the while pointing out what we all know - that the precription drug plan is a boondoogle, written by drug industry lobbyists with a wink and nod by BushCo.
So Chairman Dean - how about coughing up a couple million dollars to set up and staff a Senior support hotline? Then sit back and watch the goodwill pile up, all the while demonstrating the difference in priorities between the GOP and Democrats.