Here are seven qualities that I believe can get a nominee elected (in order of importance):
- Has had a high government position for a good while
- Can convince people he is centrist
- Is a good speaker
- Is from the South
- Has a respectable military background
- Has presidential airs
- Is a white, Christian male over 45
And here's how everyone ranks (? = fudgy):
GW Bush 1? 4 67
Kerry 12? 567
Lieberman 12?
Dean 1 7
Kucinich 1 7
Edwards 234 7
Sharpton 23
Clark 2 567
past presidents:
WJ Clinton 1234 67
GHW Bush 123 5 7
Reagan 123 67
GW Bush '00 12 4 67
Carter 1 345 7
Gore 12 5 7
Nader 7
Powell ?23456
Frist 1234 67
Gephardt 1 3 7
Braun 1 3
H Clinton 3
That's enough pseudoscience for today.