Update: Apparently, I was late on this and he was speaking even as I was posting the diary.
CNN reports that it was pretty much the same shit different day. I was going to post a transcript but I doubt it's worth the bother now.
The original diary ...
is reporting that Bush will use his Veteran's Day speech not to honor and thank veterans for their service to the country, but to slap them in the face by saying it's ok to send this generation's veterans to war based on lies.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush will use a Veterans Day speech on Friday to fight back against Democratic charges that the White House misused intelligence to gain support for the Iraq war, administration officials said.
"The president is going to directly take on the false attacks that Democratic leaders have been making," a senior administration official told Reuters.
Follow me to the flip.
What the hell's he going to say? The same old shit, naturally. Brutal dictator, WMDs, freedom on the march, blah blah blah. We've gotten used to it by now. On any other day we'd just roll our eyes and snicker because this is literally
all they have to try to hang onto the thirty-something percent of Americans who still believe it. But today? Veteran's Day? What an affront to the honor of those who have served, are serving and will serve.
"I point out that some of the critics today believed, themselves, in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. They stated that belief, and they voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq," said Stephen Hadley, the president's national security adviser, on Thursday.
Well yeah, Hadley, you ignorant asshat. Back then they (we) still thought we could trust the president to tell us the truth about war. When he and Rummy and Dick and Powell and Condi said there were WMD, we were inclined to believe them because even though we knew they were nasty fuckers ready to screw the poor, we didn't think they'd lie to our faces to get us into a war. Now we know better.
Does anyone know when this speech is supposed to take place?
Further update: It's noted downthread that Bush accused us of "rewriting history." Hello, kettle? This is pot. You're black.