American Family Voices, a progressive group which calls itself "A place for working families to get information, and take action on issues that are important to them," is asking for help in defining their direction.
They sent me an email today with a survey on what issues are important to me, and what strategies I think would be effective.
Check out theAmerican Family Voices website to get an idea what AFV has been championing lately, including TV, radio, and internet ads.
For a copy of the survey and where to send it, see across the bump.
This is the email AFV sent me:
As you are undoubtedly well aware, this has been a period of soul-searching for the progressive movement. This is necessary and healthy - the ultimate goal is to figure out how to move forward from where we stand right now.
With that in mind, American Family Voices is very interested in your thoughts on the subject. We would love to hear your responses to the following questions:
- When you survey the progressive landscape, what do you think is the most glaring problem right now?
- The progressive movement has made great strides in building an infrastructure over the past few years, but where is it still lacking, in your opinion?
- What issues do you believe should be focused on at the moment?
- What issues do you think will be most important in terms of building progressive strength?
- What themes and messages do you think would be most important to use?
- Do you have any thoughts for strategies as the progressive movement looks ahead (long-term, short-term, or both)?
- What do you feel are the values that best represent the progressive movement? Is there any one in particular that is most important to you?
- What is the most important thing for the progressive movement to build upon in order to move forward?
E-mail your responses to:
Please be sure to number your responses so we can give them the appropriate consideration. Your replies don't need to be particularly lengthy - but the more specific you are in your answers, the more effective they will be.
This is important. Success is impossible without assessing where we stand at the moment, and figuring out the best path for the future. Never forget that your collective thoughts and opinions form the backbone of the progressive movement - that's why they are so valuable to us as we ask for your help on this survey.
Thank you again for taking the few minutes to complete it. We look forward to reading your results (and posting some of them online later this week).