Probably, all three....but they (like Bush and Company) will get away with the crimes they have supported, promoted, ignored, and/or sold to the American public.
Is there anyone out in the corporate media sewer who will take on this editor?
A Direct and Personal Challenge to EVERYONE in the Corporate Media
From the Editor of - May, 2005
This nation has no national news media and I will prove it to anyone who dares take me up on my challenge
Incompetent journalists, criminally negligent journalists or liars who are complicit in the mass deception of the American people; there are no other ways whatsoever to describe the men and women who comprise the corporate news institutions of the United States. From the hired face you see every day on the boob tube to the journalism intern every person currently employed in the corporate media today has some soul searching to do.
Before critics, most of whom will most likely be supporters of George W. Bush, slam me with accusations of bias or use their best method of defending their calling...I will issue my personal challenge now.
MY PERSONAL CHALLENGE: I offer to publicly debate, deconstruct and expose for who they are, any member of the corporate news media and their adjuncts on the talk radio circuit. I offer to sit by the side of any news caster as they pretend to be journalists and I will point out every single method of deception as they speak. I offer to view any news cast and publicly deconstruct it for what it is, distractions, distortions and commercials for their corporate shareholders. This challenge is extended to everyone in the mainstream corporate media, from the extreme right to the accused left. This nation has no national news media and I will prove it to anyone who dares take me up on my challenge!
How about giving this guy some moral support? Anyone out there know anyone in the media who will take up the challenge?
Read the full, and very angry, but detailed and documented article: