I'm really not sure how to feel about this. I guess it's about the same as Mark Dayton going to a Moonie dinner, but the Scientologists are very dangerous (so are their "treatments", which have led to health problems and liver failure among many; and they are also quite homophobic). I wish Democrats did not have to keep hanging around these groups.
Two prominent New York politicians are helping raise funds for a controversial program with links to Scientology.
Senator Charles Schumer and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney have written letters heaping praise upon the New York Rescue Detoxification Fund -- a project that has been working with firefighters and other first-responders who have health problems as a result of 9/11.
The letters of support have shocked some, because the group has such close ties to to Scientology. The techniques used by the organization are based on the teachings of science-fiction writer and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, and the group has been heavily promoted by Scientology. And last year, after health-care professionals questioned some of the detoxification treatments, a New York firefighters union withdrew its endorsement of the group.
But Senator Schumer wrote a letter last month that's being used to help raise money for the group. "I strongly urge you to support the New York Rescue Detoxification Fund and wish them all the success in their future endeavors," Schumer wrote in a February 6 letter that was sent to the group's community outreach director and is being sent to potential donors. A similar letter was written by Congresswoman Maloney two days earlier.
Senator Schumer's office had no comment at press time, but a spokesman for Maloney tells The Scoop that despite the controversy that surrounds the program, "she thinks that if people who want to get out there and offer their help to rescue workers, that's great."
"This group's detoxification process is virtually identical to the religious ritual known within Scientology as the purification rundown,"
says cult expert Rick Ross, who writes about the controversy at CultNews.com. "Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Maloney now join Tom
Cruise as ardent boosters and fundraisers for Scientology through what
can be seen as a thinly-veiled program promoting its teachings."