I am so frustrated right now!
I have been on KOS. I have been to Pam's House Blend. I have been to Shakesphere's Sister. I have visited and been linked on PageOneQ, PSoT, Big Gay Picture, All Spin Zone, Pittsburgh Lesbian correspondents, and Love is Love is Love.comto mention a few; all the places that have generously offered linkage and support to my plight for equal rights in Pennsylvania. To them I offer my most sincere thanks!
What frustrates me is the comments section on these posts, and countless others in the past where I have seen debate without action. Reading the rhetorical masturbation that simply put seems to be a debate on who is the smartest; not how to actually contribute to the solution.
Today everyone commenting seems bent on blaming this on that. Or saying "this approach is wrong, mine would work better!"
I am here to tell you that I don't give a damn how you feel the community is making this mistake or that. That doesn't matter to me. That doesn't offer me one shred of hope or help. I have appealed to all or you because I respect and value your opinion and because I want you to direct your intellect to the issue at hand! My goal was not debate, but an invitation to take immediate action by way of phone calls, emails, and letters to Pennsylvania friends, family, and most importantly members of the PA House of Representatives!
In case you missed it, the committee is voting on this critical issue today!
There is time for you to impress us with your analysis later. Today you need to lend a hand in the best way you can and that is to pick up the phone, a pen, and/or press send! It's a simple process, yet so many seem uninterested in participating. At least that is how it feels to this citizen of PA that might just lose any hopes of a "fair and equal" life under the law.
This is about my life! This is about the life of my partner! This is about legally equality.
It is NOT about anyone's religious beliefs. It is NOT about a so-called "threat to marriage." It is NOT about intellectual discourse.
It is about love. It is about the "pursuit of happiness." It is about the ideal of America. It is about civil rights. It is about me!
I am no threat. My private life has nothing to do with your church, your home, your family or anything that comes in between! I am no threat to you!
Does protecting my property cause you any threat? Does protecting my civil rights cause you some kind of pain? Will your marriage fall apart if I am allowed the same right? The answer to all is NO! Yet I still have to fight this repugnant fight!
I hate it, and I hate those that hate me when they have never so much as laid eyes on me!
I demand my American birthright; just as any of you would! The right to the civil protections of marriage were guaranteed me at birth, and I will not stand for those rights being qualified by any group. Especially when the argument is based completely on religion!
Marriage is not threatened by gays. America is threatened by those who hate gays so much that they are willing to dismantle our proud history of tolerance and equal rights for all based on something they don't understand.
And when I make that claim I am addressing the concepts of America, Marriage, Christianity, Love, God, and Equality as the issues they don't understand; intellectually or otherwise!
Well...That makes me feel better! Now if you live in PA click this link and tell Legislature of Pennsylvania that voting to add discrimination to our Constitution will result in them being replaced in November!
So...What do you have to say about that?!