It's everyone's favorite show in the history of, like, everything!
So, I'm doing some channel-flipping this morning, and I end up on the 700 Club (don't ask). You gotta love the ass-kissing Tom DeLay is getting, particularly from Pat Robertson's son (whose name escapes me). In between the fear of "liberal bloggers" and the invoking of Sam Alito's crying wife, they started talking about some picture of DeLay and Abramoff in Hawaii, stating that it's used in every Abramoff story. Now, I've never seen this thing before. Never. Not once. Maybe I'm off here, but I think I may have a better sense of the world than The 700 Club.
Oh, and MySpace and Facebook are evil too, it turns out. Guess I should remove all those references to me having read something other than the Bible. And there's a call to ban RU-486. Basically, I need to stop watching The 700 Club, but it's still funnier than Regis and Kelly.