"Get used to it" for what I have in mind.
I am a Yellow Dog Democrat. Even so, as a graphic designer and former political public relations consultant, I am dismayed by the Kerry Flash ads running on the New York Times website. I haven't seen any of his TV spots, but if they are as bad as this, we are in trouble.
Kerry should attack the medium, not the message. He doesn't have enough money to respond to every Bush ad on its merits. He has to attack the obscene trick of trying to buy the election.
When I told my wife this, she immediately said, "You should get in touch with the Kerry people and get it to them." When I talk about politics, she usually just yawns and tries to pretend that she's not ignoring me. She was so insistent, however, that I had to explain to her that the Kerry campaign is getting so much incoming right now that they can't read everything much less answer.
I wrote to Sidney Blumenthal and he replied:
"Jules: Thanks for your note. I agree completely with your point and will mention it to friends."
Thus inspired, I tried my hand at some rudimentary web animation, and came up with "Get used to it" a 284k QuickTime movie that my son Jesse is (I hope) going to convert to Flash.
The images are still quite crude, but that will be next. A sound track is also planned. Several people who looked at this when I first announced it to my newsroom-l email discussion list weren't able to load the QuickTime animation, so I've added a simple a slide show with descriptions of a proposed sound track.
I will appreciate your comments. This is a first try at defining a concept. It can go anywhere. Once I have something that really works, I plan to distribute it as widely as possible.