I just finished watching the first half of Crossfire and it was so aggravating I might have to swear the show off for good.
- Bob Novak starts off with a hit piece on Judy Dean...that she changed her name suddenly to Dean when she has always been Steinberg therefore Dean is stumbling and his wife is disingenuous. I realize that Novak has zero credibility but Begala and Carville put up the most tepid defense of both Deans humanly possible. Carville said "Who cares?" and Begala said "She changed her name because she supports her husband"...AAAAAA!!! Fact: Judy Dean is Judy Dean socially and Judy Steinberg in the office so that there aren't two doctor Deans. How hard would that have been?
- Tucker comes out about an AP piece which I cant find online that Mosley Braun is getting 20,000 bucks a month from the Dean campaign. Tucker said she claimed that she wasn't in cahoots with Dean before she dropped out but this development clearly shows that they were. Tucker and Novak scream corruption and vote buying. Begala and Carville just sat there with their jaws slackened and volleyed back "Well she is not a corrupt person and seasoned politicians do have to get paid" and of course the classic "that is more than James and I made when we helped Clinton." And then let Tuck and Nov roll over them.
- First segment all four talk about the fall of Dean. T and N say what you would expect them to say but the other two jump on the bandwagon and say that Dean really has met the near end and the anger thing and no specific policies will dog him after Iowa. They sounded like Republicans...
- Carville and Begala then went on to give blowjobs to Kerry ("a masterful campaigner who is more of a man than Bush ever could be and if and when he is our candidate he will stand on stage and show Bush to be the little priviledged man he is"...he went on) and Edwards ("Truly, in my opinion, the greatest speaker on the stump on either side of the aisle I have ever seen. He weaves together story and policy and stump like no other man and I am glad that he is getting the boost he has gotten." and more) And finished the segment with this beaut... "Bush, look out for Kerry and Edwards they are coming after your job.
Admittedly I am a Dean guy but I will happily work for ABB but the blatant shilling for Kerry and Edwards and dismissing of Gephardt and Dean was just crazy.
How in heaven can we get some new pundits on television besides waiting for Al Gore's new network?